Welcome to HolisTech

Personalized Wellness with Ancient + Modern Science

Abhyanga Training with Shirodhara

Small-Group LIVE In-Person

Thursday, October 31 – Sunday, November 3 (+November 4: Add On)

Abhyanga Training

Thursday October 31 – Sunday, November 3


Space is Limited

24 Hours
(Please register through HighVibe MettaVerse if you need Massage CEU’s)

Abhyanga is the cornerstone of Ayurvedic rejuvenation and detoxification programs. Abhyanga works with the nervous system, the circulatory system and the lymphatic system and assists clients into states of deep relaxation. This course is designed for Ayurvedic Professionals,bodyworkers and massage therapists. Ayurvedic theory is taught along with the intention of Abhyanga, and adaptations applied for Ayurvedic body constitutions. Warm Ayurvedic herbalized oil, selected according to one’s constitution and conditions, is used. Ayurvedic theory includes the 5 elements and constitutional and doshic theory.

During this program, you will learn how to perform a one and two-person Ayurvedic massage. Participants will work in groups of two and three administering and receiving the therapies. An additional 10 hours of practical application is required for this program.

Shirodhara Add-On

Moday, November 4


Space is Limited

Our tranquil mind therapy is a wonderful therapy for those with insomnia, migraines, burn out, stress, anxiety and overwhelm. If you are a body therapist wanting to add a new modality to your practice that helps your clients find stillness in the mind, then you are invited to join me for a one day training in Shirodhara.

Shirodhara balances the brain and nervous system with warm Ayurvedic herbalized oil poured in a gentle stream over the forehead that nourishes the brain and calms the nervous system by synchronizing brain waves, stilling the mind, enhancing blood circulation to the brain, nourishing the hair and scalp and aiding in the release of toxins, stress and tension.

Given the nature of this one day training, space is limited to only two people.

Nudity Disclosure:

Participants may be exposed to some nudity during the course. Proper draping techniques will be taught to provide a professional and modest environment. Participants are encouraged to bring draping to surround their work station. We will be teaching the traditional full body Abhyanga. The traditional technique includes chest and breast tissue. This is a professional therapeutic therapy used in Ayurveda. Students are NOT required to participate and receive this technique.

Top Flourish

Lead Instructor

Bottom Flourish

Paige Pearman

Owner of HolisTech Institute & Spa, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Ayurvedic Body Therapist, and Yoga Teacher.

Tranquil Mind Shirodhara